Naturally smarter

Healthier for people, kinder to the planet

Climate-positive and biobased, our unique prefabricated modular system marks a major step forward in sustainable construction.

Better for the planet

Designed to actively combat climate change, removing more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than it takes to manufacture and build.

Healthier for people

Natural, non-toxic, breathable materials improve air quality and moisture control, making it healthier for both people and the building itself.

Designed for zero waste

Demountable panels can be endlessly adapted, reassembled and reused – so buildings can be modified over time without creating any waste.

Naturally smart adaptable construction system

Energy efficient, fast to produce and cost competitive – without expecting the environment to pay the price.

How the system works

  • Natural insulation materials perform far better than foamed plastic or mineral wool so buildings need less energy for comfortable, year-round room temperatures.

  • We use digital tools to standardise parts and reduce lead times, cost, and waste, without compromising design flexibility. The floor, wall and roof elements make up a completely integrated system that can be rapidly assembled even in constrained sites without specialist contractors.

  • We drive down the cost of high-performing natural materials by producing repeated, standardised components for most building elements. These combine with bespoke components to offer great flexibility in design, allowing buildings to be easily altered, extended or scaled down.

Nature’s solution for sustainable building

The outstanding properties of hemp mean it absorbs large amounts of carbon from the atmosphere as it grows, and makes the soil healthier too.

Insights & news

Want to find out how Natural Building Systems can help you? Get in touch.